Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I love you as much....

Logan is quick; maybe not the fastest runner "quick" but he has a sharp mind for a 4 year old. He and I play word games during the day. You know silly things like..."oh look! There goes a ketchup car!" as a bright red car drives across our path. We have now found, ketchup, mustard, sushi, pickle, hot dog and hot dog bun (mine) cars/vans. He is really fun. Anyway, we also play the, "I love you as much as a......" game. He and I will banter back and forth trying to top the other in who loves each other more. Josh looks at us like we are crazy. Andrew has missed out on this while at school.

Anyway, yesterday Logan won the "I love you as much" game. Yesterday he told me, "I love you as much as Optimus Prime, the bonus feature one." Wow. I just looked at him and smiled because I knew that in his innocent sweet heart this was as much as you could love anyone. Optimus Prime: strong, powerful, the pinacle of greatness to my son.

I told him, "ok, you win!" He was happy he won; I think we both won. I love you Logan.


DGreen said...

Oh, just melts my heart...

Angie said...

How fun and how sweet!

thekerrclan said...